Gary Jones
Gary Jones

Chisel and Proxychains To Breach Internal Web Server

Chisel and Proxychains To Breach Internal Web Server
3 min read

Pivoting to Access with Chisel and Proxychains


This exercise aimed to demonstrate pivoting techniques to access an otherwise inaccessible internal web server, By leveraging a Chisel SOCKS proxy and administrative credentials for, the goal was to perform an nmap scan, forward a local port, and assess the development status of Art’s web application.


  1. Firewall Configuration: Required bypassing restrictions to communicate with internal systems.
  2. ICMP Blocking: Chisel SOCKS5 proxy does not support ICMP packets, requiring alternative host discovery methods.
  3. Port Detection: Narrowing down critical ports for identifying the operating system and services on the target.

Actions Taken:

  1. Initial Setup:
    • Logged into using provided administrative credentials (pr0b3admin:H4ck3rH4nkH1tsB4ck).
    • Shared the /temp folder to facilitate file transfers between Kali and the target system.
    • Disabled real-time virus protection to allow execution of Chisel and other tools.
  2. Chisel Configuration:
    • Started Chisel in server mode on Kali using the command:
      chisel server -p 1080 --socks5
    • Ran the Chisel client on to establish a SOCKS proxy connection:
      chisel.exe client socks
  3. nmap Scanning via Proxychains:
    • Updated proxychains4.conf to route traffic through the Chisel SOCKS5 proxy.
    • Conducted an nmap scan of, focusing on key ports:
      proxychains nmap -Pn -sV -p22,80
    • Identified ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) as open, confirming the target is running Linux.
  4. Port Forwarding and Web Application Analysis:
    • Forwarded local port 8080 to using Chisel.
    • Accessed the development web page through Kali’s browser to assess its functionality.


  1. Vulnerability Identified:
    • Open Ports: Port 22 (SSH) and port 80 (HTTP) were accessible through the proxy.
    • Weak Firewall Configuration: Allowed unrestricted proxy traffic to internal systems.
  2. Development Status:
    • The web application on port 80 loaded successfully, displaying an under-construction version of Art’s tailor management system.
    • Port 22 confirmed the presence of an SSH service, likely for development or administration purposes.
  3. Risk Level:
    • High: Misconfigurations and open ports expose sensitive development environments to potential exploitation.

Tool Purpose Overview:


  • A TCP/UDP tunneling tool used to create a SOCKS5 proxy for accessing internal systems behind a firewall.


  • Routes traffic through a proxy, enabling tools like nmap to communicate with internal systems indirectly.


  • Network scanning tool used to identify open ports, services, and operating systems on the target.


  • Utilized for remote access to to manage Chisel and perform administrative tasks.


  1. Restrict Proxy Access:
    • Limit SOCKS proxy usage to specific IPs and authenticated users only.
    • Monitor proxy activity for unusual patterns.
  2. Enhance Firewall Rules:
    • Close unnecessary ports like 22 and 80 if they are not required for external access.
    • Implement internal segmentation to isolate development systems.
  3. Secure Development Environments:
    • Require strong authentication for SSH access to development servers.
    • Periodically review open ports and services for unnecessary exposure.
  4. Routine Vulnerability Scanning:
    • Schedule regular scans to identify and mitigate misconfigurations promptly.

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